Engineers log Stardate 48660

We had returned to Narenda station (Starbase 364) and I was taking some well earned shore leave when I was called to captains ready room. Captain Decker was there with a female Klingon called Orkara, the chief engineer of the bird of prey Arkur. I was told that I had volunteered to be part of the officer exchange program and I would be serving on the Arkur during the upcoming mission. In fact the ships would be swapping their entire engineering teams. Both ships would be receiving sensor upgrades and my first task would be to upgrade the Arkur's sensors. Captain Akul of the Arkur had requested Hur'krel swap with the Arkur's medical officer for the mission as well.

Before we left Narenda station I also heard that Mala's parents had chosen a Betazoid called Ethan to be her husband though she was reluctant. I understand the decision was made without there even being a bridal auction.

Our mission was for the Cessna and Arkur to escort 6 cargo vessels who would resupply Array 35, a Federation and Klingon research outpost in the Shacklebury expanse. I took my engineering team over to the Arkur and installed the new sensors. There were issues in some of the code which needed fixing but everything was smoothed out eventually. Afterwards we were in the canteen when one of the Klingons, Marka, and her friends wanted to know what it was like to be with a Ferengi. Of course I felt obliged to show them.

Engineers log Stardate 48663

Progress was slow as the civilian transport ships were limited to warp 2. We were three days form Narenda station when there was an explosion in main engineering and The Arkur dropped out of warp. The explosion was caused by a sudden electromagnetic pulse and other ships in convoy were also affected. I raised the shields and modulated them to nullify the effects of the electromagnetic pulses which were throughout the area. Whatever they were, they were not all natural, as we detected momentary Trans dimensional ionic bursts. When the Arkur was operational I went and fixed the damaged transports in a shuttle.

Engineers log Stardate 48665

The rest of the journey to Array 35 was uneventful. The officer exchange ended when we Arrived and I returned to the Cessna with the rest of my engineering crew.

Engineers log Stardate 48667

We had travelled for two days through the expanse when we received a distress call from the Kavian transport Bolas. Sensors showed two vessels in close proximity. We changed course to assist and found a Kavian transport under attack by a Borg sphere. The Arkur and Cessna opened fire and the Borg attacked us. They tried to tractor beam the Cessna before using some weapon which drained the shields of both ships. A barrage of torpedoes from the Arkur inflicted damage to the sphere but several Borg beamed on board the Cessna when the Borgs weapon caused our shields to collapse. Each Borg had a tribble on its shoulder. We found a Borg stopped moving when its tribble was stunned but Captain Decker was injected by a drone then beamed away before all the drones could be immobilised. The drones also beamed away but one tribble was left behind. The sphere then disappeared into a trans warp conduit and the Cessna followed before the conduit collapsed.

Hirogen shipThe Cessna experienced extreme gravametric shearing in the conduit and the Conn lost control. The Borg Sphere disappeared down another conduit and I had to perform an emergency stop of the engines to drop us out of the trans warp conduit. The inertial dampers went offline and some of the crew suffered injuries. Long range scans showed we had travelled to the Delta quadrant, and were 70000 light years from home. The sensors also detected three unknown vessels on an intercept course. The lead vessel hailed us, asking who we were and why we were in Herogen space. The Herogen hunted tribble and said the Borg had taken the crew of one of their vessels. When they learned we had got here while chasing the Borg they gave us telemetry of the trans warp conduits and invited us to join them.

Hur'krel assigned some of his medical team to study the Tribble which the Borg had left behind. Apparently Klingons cannot stand Tribbles. They found Borg implants in the Tibble and discovered it was receiving a subspace signal from a point 2.6 light years away. We told the Herogen who diverted towards the coordinates where we found a Borg cube and three other vessels adrift. The Cube was at Minimum power but emitting an electromagnetic shield. We scanned the cube and located Captain Deckers life signs. The Herogen agreed to give us an hour to try to rescue him before attacking, and the Herogen Alpha, 1st and 2nd also came. We took a shuttle through the cube's shield and entered a docking may inside which we found a Klingon bird of prey. It was the IKS Morag which had been reported missing 4 or 5 years ago.

I scanned the area with my tricorder, and picked up captain Deckers life signs several hundred metres away. I also detected a power signature matching the trans warp conduit. I went with the Herogen 1st and 2nd to try to recover the trans warp technology while Hur'krel went with the Herogen Alpha to retrieve Captain Decker. I found the Borg device beneath floor plating in a room. When I decoupled the trans warp coil we heard a Borg voice saying 'Surrender, resistance is useless'. I quickly got Lian to beam myself and the Altha back to the shuttle. Hur'krel had rescued some Klingons from the Morag as well as locating Captain Decker, and they wanted to fight their way back to the shuttle. We beamed Decker onto the shuttle then waited for the Klingons to finish fighting.

They got back eventually and took the Morag. We had to destroy a Borg tractor beam emitter which was trying to prevent us leaving. As we left, a Borg sphere came from the cube and gave chase. The Cessna and Herogen vessels engaged the sphere which was destroyed at the cost of two of the Herogen vessels. I connected the trans warp coil to the Cessna's power grid, fed in navigational data, then formed a deflector shield in front of the Cessna before opening the trans warp conduit. We used a tractor beam to pull the Morag in with us. With the trans warp coil controlling the conduit it was a smooth journey, and we were able to exit near Narenda station.